Dr. Josef Vizkelety MD, DDS, MSc
Leading Dentist and Director of Dentistry, Departments integrative & interdisciplinary dentistry, conservative and prosthetic dentistry, MF surgery, bite rehabilitation

Excellence and harmony of body, mind and spirit.

State examination
- Szeged Hungary 2008 (Medicine – MD)
- Freiburg im Breisgau Germany 2013 (Dentistry – DDS)
- Krems Austria 2018 (Master of Oral Surgery & Implantology -MSc)

- German, English, Hungarian

- Intensive Medicine
- General Surgery & Breast Surgery
- Acute Internal Medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Maxillo-facial Surgery
- General Medicine as police medical officer
- Integrative Biological Dentistry (metal free)
- Oral Surgery & Implantology
- Anti-Aging, Cell Regeneration
- Practical experience in England, Germany, Austria and Switzerland

- Minimally invasive conservative and prosthetic dentistry
- Oral surgery
- Implantology
- Periodontics
- Integrative biological dentistry
- Interdisciplinary medicine & dentistry consultant
- Lecturer for integrative biological dentistry and implantology at national and international congresses