Relax and do something good for your body
Massages / Physical Therapies

The various types of massage are characterized by the use of different tools and techniques. Manual treatment – applying pressure, pulling, shaking, stroking and tapping – relieves muscular tension in the musculoskeletal system and has a beneficial effect on the internal organs via the reflex zones. Blood circulation and
metabolism are improved, stress hormones are reduced, pain is relieved and tissue repair is improved. We distinguish between whole body and partial massages, which treat only certain regions of the body.

Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage activates the lymph drainage, or the drainage of the tissue, using specific manipulation techniques. Gentle, predominantly circular movements trigger an expansion impulse, which ‘moves’ the fluid in the direction of the lymph drainage areas.

The foot reflex zones reflect all organs of the body. The massage of these reflex zones on the foot can therefore positively influence the whole body system. Reflexology massage is one of the so-called ‘retuning therapies’.

Dressings, packs, compresses
Use of compresses is based on traditional, handed-down knowledge. This does not mean that they are outdated. Whether dressing, pack, compress or overlay – an active ingredient, be it water, heat, oil or a plant extract – is packed in a cloth and slowly fed through the skin. Due to the heat or the cold, the blood circulation of the skin is improved. Depending on the body region, the organs can also be positively influenced by this method via reflex zones. The detoxification function of the body is stimulated, for example, by the liver wrap, and an intense feeling of relaxation, warmth and relief spreads throughout the body.

Magnetic field therapy
In magnetic field therapy, the ions present in cells are moved in time with a magnetic field pulsation, and thus stimulate the metabolism, improve blood circulation, increase oxygen content, normalize cell membrane tension and improve the protein synthesis that is so important for healing wounds and regeneration. As a consequence, the pulsating magnetic fields strengthen the energy and self-regulation of the organism.

Main areas of application
Depending on the type of therapy, the main areas of application are in:
- Rheumatology: in inflammatory and non-inflammatory processes, lumbago, arthroses, trigger points in combination with manual techniques
- Traumatology: for various sports injuries, torn muscle fibres, sprains
- Neurology: when activating the organs and the draining processes, analgesia of the nerve endings
- Oncology: for example, in local hyperthermia (Indiba), as an integrative treatment of small and medium-sized tumors, or in the lymphatic drainage for
decongestion of lymphatic pathways after lymph node removal in the context of a tumor treatment, among others
- Infectiology: in chronic inflammation, sinusitis, tonsillitis, adnexitis, cystitis and others
We are convinced that an optimal therapy result can only be achieved if the physical-structural level is also included.

Massages / Physical Therapies are also applied at

A Statement from
Beatrix Bernhardt
Relax and let go – everything is allowed to flow.